Monday, January 31, 2011

A Horrible, Horrible Idea

Clearly, whoever said to quit sugar cold turkey has a horrible, horrible sense of humor.

Yesterday went pretty well. I spent most of it with a Diet Pepsi in hand, wondering if that was really a healthier choice and reading labels. I had to return to the fridge three times before I found a salad dressing without any sugar listed (Yay, for Drew's All Natural Lemon Goddess Tahini) and I found dextrose in the bag of pre-made french fries I was baking with dinner. This actually became a moot point when I realized that high fructose corn syrup was second ingredient listed on the side of the ketchup bottle. I ended up having rice instead.

Curious to see sugar's aliases? I was. I am sure there are more, but here are 50:
  1. Barley malt
  2. Beet sugar
  3. Brown sugar
  4. Buttered syrup
  5. Cane juice crystals
  6. Cane sugar
  7. Caramel
  8. Corn syrup
  9. Corn syrup solids
  10. Confectioner’s sugar
  11. Carob syrup
  12. Castor sugar
  13. Date sugar
  14. Demerara sugar
  15. Dextran
  16. Dextrose
  17. Diastatic malt
  18. Diatase
  19. Ethyl maltol
  20. Fructose
  21. Fruit juice
  22. Fruit juice concentrate
  23. Galactose
  24. Glucose
  25. Glucose solids
  26. Golden sugar
  27. Golden syrup
  28. Grape sugar
  29. High-fructose corn syrup
  30. Honey
  31. Icing sugar
  32. Invert sugar
  33. Lactose
  34. Maltodextrin
  35. Maltose
  36. Malt syrup
  37. Maple syrup
  38. Molasses
  39. Muscovado sugar
  40. Panocha
  41. Raw sugar
  42. Refiner’s syrup
  43. Rice syrup
  44. Sorbitol
  45. Sorghum syrup
  46. Sucrose
  47. Sugar
  48. Treacle
  49. Turbinado sugar
  50. Yellow sugar
Last night, I went to bed feeling pretty proud of myself, down right smug, actually.

This morning, I woke up with the queen of head-aches. I cracked and a mocha was purchased on the way to work. You know, for the safety of the pre-school children in my class. Another was also purchased on the way home. You know, the day was already shot and all. It's moments like these that remind me why I try not to judge smokers, drinkers, "recreational" heroin addicts, crackheads, and serial killers.

In the middle of feeling envious of smokers, who at least have gum and patches to ween themselves off of nicotine, I developed Plan B. I had made it one day in January without sugar. If I make it two without in February, that would be progress.  This is lame, I know, but today it is the best that I can come up with.

I would like to share with the group, however, that I have been meatless for a month now and I have been doing a spectacular job of composting my kitchen scraps so I am promptly going to cross them off of my list!

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